Hello again!
This is a post for me to state that I’m very, very happy! It’s crazy that something that started with just “we’d like to get this feeling again, how do we do it?” has become an event that three people travelled several miles to assist! The PGH LittleHack really had an all-star crowd for its 3rd incarnation:
Kyle Ruddy
Justin Sider
Dan Barr
AJ Kuftic
Doug DeFrank
David Kalaluhi
John Devine
Carl Capozza
It’s very cool to see also that other towns are embracing this grassroots effort - we hear Dallas and Indianapolis are already in plans!
You can find pictures with the #PGHLittleHack hashtag, and you can read more about it in Carl’s blog and the post in vbrownbag.com. To attend and be involved / notified of future ones, give us a shout out in Twitter!
Wishing you good things, til we talk again!