esxcli storage nfs remove -v LenovoEMC_PX4-300D_NFS_ISOs

esxcli storage nfs add –host= –share=/nfs/nfs_ISOs -v=LenovoEMC_PX4-300D_nfs_ISOs

esxcli storage nfs add Error: Missing required parameter -s|–share Missing required parameter -H|–host Missing required parameter -v|–volume-name

Usage: esxcli storage nfs add [cmd options]

Description: add Add a new NAS volume to the ESX Host and mount it with the given volume name.

Cmd options: -H|–host= The hostname or IP address of the NAS volume to add and mount on the system. (required) -p|–ispe If set this flag will set the mount point to be PE. -r|–readonly If set this flag will set the mount point to be read-only. -s|–share= The share name on the remote system to use for this NAS mount point. (required) -v|–volume-name= The volume name to use for the NAS mount. This must be a unique volume name and cannot conflict with existing NAS, VMFS or other volume names. (required)